Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A new beginning....and a BIG thank you!

*Clears throat and taps microphone*... Is this thing on????

      Oh, HI there! Been a long time! How've you all been? Did ya miss me? Even a little? I've missed you all! I had the best of intentions to really have my blog take off like gangbusters in 2011. We all know where the road paved with good intentions leads us though, right?
     Well, this past year has been interesting to say the least. And in my absence from the blogosphere, I started a cake Page on Crack..... I mean FACEbook, making new friends, and networking in the caking world. What a wild ride it's been! :)
     In the little over a year since I started that Page, I've seen some amazing talent, and connected more with some cake and cookie artists that I absolutely adore. (I've also seen some pretty reprehensible behavior. But we won't talk about that here! :-x )
     I'm very grateful for the small, loyal following I've had here in Blog Land...and now the growing following on Facebook. It's time I show some love back!!

Yes, ladies and gents....I'm happy to announce, my very first giveaway!!

First up, while out shopping one weekend, I found these. Are they not the cutest EVER set of measuring cups? Snatched 'em right up, just for YOU. A fun little reminder in the kitchen to keep life sweet every day.

     Next up....a dozen cookies, decorated by yours truly. I've had such fun growing as a cookier in the past year or so. There's SO much inspiration and support to be found on the interwebz, it's catching! I need and really WANT to be a better, more prolific cookier. So, I'm sharing the fruits of that inspiration with you, too!

     Finally, I'm also throwing into the mix a $30 Gift Certificate to GlobalSugarArt.com . They are one of my favorite sources for all things cake and cookie decorating and sugar art. They have an amazing selection of baking/caking/cookie-ing "toys", and great customer service! Please visit their website and see what I mean. Make sure to have a towel handy, because I guarantee you're going to DROOL! ;) And by chance, if you yourself are NOT a baker/decorator of any kind...I'm sure you know someone who IS.

Now for the boring (but easy) part...the rules.
1.) Please share something sweet in a comment. (One comment only, please. Multiple entries will be disqualified) A silly joke, anecdote, what inspires you, what your favorite sweet indulgence
is...whatever you'd like to share that might bring a smile. This enquiring mind wants to know!
(And PLEASE share your email, so I can contact you if you win!)
2.) Contest open to residents of the U.S. only. I do apologize for that, but it's the only way I can control with some certainty that prizes will get to you.
3.) Cookie design and delivery will be at my discretion, and subject to my caking schedule, to be
delivered/mailed within 90 days of the close of the contest.
4.) Contest closes at 6pm Pacific Time, Friday May 11, 2012.
5.) Winner will be chosen using a random number generator at psychicscience.org.
6.) Prizes supplied by myself. This is not a sponsored post/giveaway.
7.) This giveaway is in no way associated with, nor endorse by Facebook.
8.) Please share this post with friends. No, it doesn't get you another entry, but sharing
the sweetness is really what this post is all about :)
     Again, I want to thank each and every one you for joining me on this journey, and sharing in the love and fun of all things sweet! There's more to come...please stay tuned! :)
Sweetest Regards, and Happy Baking to you! ~Scott