Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolutions...bah, HUMBUG!

      So, sometimes people need a break from their everyday routines.

      That was my intention, during the Christmas/ New Years take it easy, not stress, simplify. For the most part, I was successful. We barely decorated the house for Christmas (more on holiday decorating another day), we bought small, token gifts for each other this year, instead of going all-out.

     And I only baked for family gifts this year. No cake, no cookies for the masses, just enough to send to my family in Arizona (which I haven't even posted yet, as those pics are on my camera's internal memory, not the card, and I can't figure out how to make the switch. Please hang in there with me as I figure it out!)

     Having such a low-key holiday, I've gotten lazy. And I hate that! I bought a notebook last month, to begin sketching cookie designs, and make lists of designs that I still want to get fleshed out. It feels good to have this, my "vault" if you will...of all these thoughts and hopes for the coming year!

     Knowing that 2011 holds so much promise, just from a cookie standpoint is exciting to me! All these thoughts, begging to become reality! I can resist the call of my kitchen no longer :)

     So tonight, we venture out into the cold, to enjoy a nice dinner for NYE. We've much to celebrate from 2010, and even more to look forward to in 2011!

     The one and ONLY resolution I make to myself, and to that I will be baking and decorating LOTS more sweet treats to share with you in 2011, on a much more regular basis!

     All my hopes to you, my friends, for a safe, fun, and JOYOUS New Year's Eve, and bountiful 2011!


1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! Can't wait to see what comes from your "vault" and all that you plan to share with us in 2011!!
